Sunday, May 21, 2006


I thought i would let you know where my title for my blog come from. It could be said that i have the memory of a goldfish. Sometime i am fine but othertimes i can't even remember what i did 1 hour ago.

I have had to replace my pin number twice this month as i forgot the first one even though i have never changed it and have used the same one for two years. However, i went to use my card in a store a last week and couldn't remember it for the love of money. I tried it in the cash machine with no luck so a new one was issued. At the same time i also lost my card a few days later so i needed to replace that.

Sure enough a new card and new pin number arrived. Sure enough i lost the card again. So thats two cards in less than two weeks. Can anyone beat that? I have also lost my credit card too.

One of my team mates from UKScrappers, Mandy, decided that Ms Sarah Forget me Knot summed me up to a T.

The only other theory is that Matt has hidden the cards to stop me spending

It's a really great title for a blog! Looking forward to seeing you and wee brooke tommorrow.
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